Hi there...

Charles Amoo is part of the ORNL team working on DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), aimed at reducing energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes. Charles is involved in improving existing energy audit software by developing features that are relevant for users, documenting the program for ease of use in the form of engineering manuals and getting started guides, and training energy auditors on the use of energy audit tools. Through his research, he hopes to improve energy audit and energy audit software to one that is comprehensive, robust and user-friendly. He also aims to make it well-suited to characterizing energy use in buildings, recommending cost-effective energy savings and retrofit measures, and train energy auditors to support the millions of non-weatherized, low-income households that need weatherization assistance.

Department: Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education
Degree: Energy Science and Engineering
Awarding Institution: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lab: Integrated Building Performance Group at ORNL

Core Competencies

Clean Energy & Decarbonization Strategies

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Technologies

Energy Systems Modeling & Data Analytics

Sustainability Policy & Climate Impact Analysis

Project Management & Stakeholder Engagement

Software & Tools: MS Excel, Python, R