- Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). A Comprehensive Review of Lifetime Estimation Methodologies for Energy Conservation Measures and Their Impact on Energy Savings Calculations. ASHRAE Transactions (accepted for publication).
- Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & Amoo, C. (2024). Web-Based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guide (No. ORNL/TM-2023/2833-R1). Version 2. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).
- Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & Amoo, C. (2024). Web-Based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guide (No. ORNL/TM-2023/2833). Version 1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).
- Bass, B., New, J., Clinton, N., Adams, M., Copeland, B., & Amoo, C. (2022). How close are urban scale building simulations to measured data? Examining bias derived from building metadata in urban building energy modeling. Applied Energy, 327, 120049.
- Bass, B., New, J., Amoo, C., Ezell, E., & Copeland, W. (2021). Using Measured Building Energy Data to Infer Building Type for Building Energy Modeling. ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (BPACS), Chicago, IL, Sept. 14-16, 2022. PDF PPT
Under Review or To Be Submitted
- Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). Optimizing Energy Savings Calculations: A Comprehensive Review of Measure Lifetime Estimation for Energy Conservation Measures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (undergoing external peer review).
- Amoo, C., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). A multicriteria framework for assessing energy audit software for low-income households in the United States. Energy Efficiency (undergone two rounds of peer reviews, awaiting acceptance notice).
- Amoo, C., New, J., & Eckman, B. (2025). Evaluating Energy Audit Software for Low-Income Households: A Comparative Analysis of Three Software Using a Multicriteria Framework (to be submitted).
- Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., & Eckman, B. (2025). Economic Analysis of Long-lived Energy Conservation Measures Exceeding 30 Years (to be submitted).
- Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., & Eckman, B. (2024). Methodology for Evaluating Allowable Measure Lifetime in the Weatherization Assistance Program (No. ORNL/TM-2023/3304). Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (awaiting DOE approval).
- Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., Fishbaugher, M., & Amoo, C. (2023). The Weatherization Assistant Engineering Manual (Version 8.9). ORNL Internal Report (submitted for review).
Conference Attendance and Presentations
- Amoo, C., New, J., & Eckman, B. (2024). A multicriteria framework for low-income households energy audit tools in the U.S. Building Enclosure Science and Technology (BEST6) Conference, Austin, Texas.
- 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, Illinois (attended without presenting).
- Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B. & New, J. (2025). A Comprehensive Review of Lifetime Estimation Methodologies for Energy Conservation Measures and Their Impact on Energy Savings Calculations. 2025 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida. (upcoming presentation).