
  1. Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). A Comprehensive Review of Lifetime Estimation Methodologies for Energy Conservation Measures and Their Impact on Energy Savings Calculations. ASHRAE Transactions (accepted for publication).
  2. Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & Amoo, C. (2024). Web-Based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guide (No. ORNL/TM-2023/2833-R1). Version 2. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).
  3. Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & Amoo, C. (2024). Web-Based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guide (No. ORNL/TM-2023/2833). Version 1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).
  4. Bass, B., New, J., Clinton, N., Adams, M., Copeland, B., & Amoo, C. (2022). How close are urban scale building simulations to measured data? Examining bias derived from building metadata in urban building energy modeling. Applied Energy, 327, 120049.
  5. Bass, B., New, J., Amoo, C., Ezell, E., & Copeland, W. (2021). Using Measured Building Energy Data to Infer Building Type for Building Energy Modeling. ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (BPACS), Chicago, IL, Sept. 14-16, 2022. PDF PPT

Under Review or To Be Submitted

  1. Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). Optimizing Energy Savings Calculations: A Comprehensive Review of Measure Lifetime Estimation for Energy Conservation Measures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (undergoing external peer review).
  2. Amoo, C., Eckman, B., & New, J. (2025). A multicriteria framework for assessing energy audit software for low-income households in the United States. Energy Efficiency (undergone two rounds of peer reviews, awaiting acceptance notice).
  3. Amoo, C., New, J., & Eckman, B. (2025). Evaluating Energy Audit Software for Low-Income Households: A Comparative Analysis of Three Software Using a Multicriteria Framework (to be submitted).
  4. Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., & Eckman, B. (2025). Economic Analysis of Long-lived Energy Conservation Measures Exceeding 30 Years (to be submitted).
  5. Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., & Eckman, B. (2024). Methodology for Evaluating Allowable Measure Lifetime in the Weatherization Assistance Program (No. ORNL/TM-2023/3304). Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (awaiting DOE approval).
  6. Malhotra, M., Eckman, B., Fishbaugher, M., & Amoo, C. (2023). The Weatherization Assistant Engineering Manual (Version 8.9). ORNL Internal Report (submitted for review).

Conference Attendance and Presentations

  1. Amoo, C., New, J., & Eckman, B. (2024). A multicriteria framework for low-income households energy audit tools in the U.S. Building Enclosure Science and Technology (BEST6) Conference, Austin, Texas.
  2. 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, Illinois (attended without presenting).
  3. Amoo, C., Malhotra, M., Eckman, B. & New, J. (2025). A Comprehensive Review of Lifetime Estimation Methodologies for Energy Conservation Measures and Their Impact on Energy Savings Calculations. 2025 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida. (upcoming presentation).